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Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 39 APPENDIX 1
Paul Through Mediterranean Eyes - 39 APPENDIX 1
by SPCK-Kenneth E. Bailey
APPENDIX 1 Common Themes in 1 Corinthians and Amos The book of Amos concludes with a vision of the future when “the booth of David” will inherit “all the Gentiles upon whom my name is called” (Amos 9:12, my translation). This looks suspiciously like the opening of 1 Corinthians,
Poem/Reflection: Amos
Poem/Reflection: Amos
by Marjorie Dobson
Poem/Reflection: Amos Was he a professional prophet? No, he wasn’t. Was he the son of a prophet? No. he wasn’t. Did he earn money from preaching? No, he didn’t. Amos had been a shepherd. Amos had worked as a farmer Amos had been called from the fields and sent out into other fiel
The prophet saw a plumb line simply hanging
The prophet saw a plumb line simply hanging
by Andrew Pratt
The prophet saw a plumb line simply hanging to sign God's love amid the sons of men, then, with the women, everyone is singing that God will never turn away again. Yet Amos blew the whistle on God's people, a prophet in a time of greed and need, self-righteousness as high as any
Hymn: Crooked wall and crooked people
Hymn: Crooked wall and crooked people
by Andrew Pratt
Crooked wall and crooked people, Amos pointed out the fact, called by God to hold a plumb-line, testing thought and word and act. Were they upright, understanding? Did they live by love and grace? Were they fair in all their dealings? Had God's loving left a trace? Verse 3 follow
Job for Everyone - Sovereignty without Principle?
Job for Everyone - Sovereignty without Principle?
by SPCK - John Goldingay
Sovereignty without Principle? Job 12: 1-25 My wife and I were talking about Job the other day, and she told me about two different people in a church to which she had belonged who had given up their Christian faith and left the church when they went through the horrific experien
8 results